
combat-leave: "&aYou are no longer in combat! Feel free to disconnect."
combat-join: "&cYou entered into combat with &7%player%&c! Do not logout or you will lose your items."
combat-target-invalid: "&cThe player &7%player% &cis not your opponent."
combat-target-already: "&cThe player &7%player% &cis already in combat."
combat-command-cancel: "&cYou cannot use this command in combat."
combat-enderpearl-cancel: "&cYou cannot use enderpearl in combat."
combat-actionbar-end: "&aYou are no longer in combat!"
combat-actionbar-time: "&cYou are in combat for %time%s"
broadcast-player-quit: "&c[Combat] The player &7%player% &cdisconnected while in combat."

Last updated