
# Tag list message
tag-list: "&aYour tags: &f%tags%"

# Visual of tags in the list
tag-list-visual: "%tag_preset%"

# Visual of what will separate the tags in the list
tag-list-separe: "&f, "

# Preview visual when hovering the mouse over the tag
  - "%tag_preview%"
  - ""
  - "&eClick to select"

tag-set: "&aYour tag has been changed to %tag_name%."
tag-give: "&aTag %tag_name% given to %player%."
tag-remove: "&aTag %tag_name% removed from %player%."
tag-target-set: "&a%player% tag changed to %tag_name%."
tag-already-set: "&cYou are already using %tag_name%."
tag-no-permission: "&cThis tag was not found or you do not have it."
tag-not-found: "&cThis tag was not found or you do not have it."
tag-blocked-world: "&cTag switching is not allowed in this world."
command-set-usage: "<player> <tag> %usage%"

  # Suffix list message
  suffix-list: "&aYour suffixes: &f%suffixes%"

  # Visual of suffixes in the list
  suffix-list-visual: "%suffix_preset%"

  # Visual of what will separate the suffixes in the list
  suffix-list-separe: "&f, "

  # Visual preview when hovering the mouse over the suffix
    - "%suffix_preview%"
    - ""
    - "&eClick to select"

  suffix-set: "&aYour suffix has been changed to %suffix_name%."
  suffix-already-set: "&cYou already have the suffix %suffix_name%."
  suffix-no-permission: "&cThis suffix was not found or you do not have permission to use it."
  suffix-not-found: "&cThis suffix was not found or you do not have permission to use it."

Last updated