
# Medal list message
medal-list: "&aYour medals: &f%medals%"

# Visual representation of the medals in the list
medal-list-visual: "%medal_preset%"

# Visual that separates the medals in the list
medal-list-separe: "&f, "

# Visual of the preview when hovering over the medal
  - '%medal_color%%medal_name% %medal_icon%'
  - ''
  - '&eClique para selecionar'

medal-set: "&aYour medal has been changed to %medal_name%&a."
medal-already-set: "&cYou already have the %medal_name%&c medal."
medal-no-permission: "&cThis medal was not found or you don't have it."
medal-not-found: "&cThis medal was not found or you don't have it."

Last updated